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Ladies' Guild

Every women of St. Stephen  is a member
of our Ladies' Guild.
We gather on 3rd Mondays
in our Family Life Center,
for faithsharing, socializing and planning
our service and outreach.
We serve in liturgical and parish ministries.
Our social justice ministry includes
Meals for the Elderly and The Ark,
a local shelter for women and their children.
We host dinners, our parish yard sale, and take trips
to local spots of interest.
Contact Aileen  (336) 874-2471


Ladies' Guild delivering goodies to the staff
at SC Health Dept & Nutrition Center.

L-R Doris Watson, SC Health Director Samantha Ange,  
and co-worker, Sarah Welch.
Samantha is a St. Stephen parishioner

SC Health Dept oversees vaccination distribution.

Hugh Chatham
Memorial Hospital

Aileen Cahill (r) /
Ladies' Guild
delivering pizzas
to HCMH staff



Formed in 1955 in western North Carolina within the Charlotte diocese, St. Stephen in Elkin, is the one of three Catholic churches in Surry county; just south of the VA border. We strive to live our legacy of hospitality and generous service in word and deed. 


Sunday Liturgy:  9:00am

Sacrament of Reconciliation

by appointment,  (704) 763-2475


101 Hawthorne Road

Elkin, NC 28621


(336) 835-3007


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